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  • DIY Consumer Home Inspection Checklist
    The DIY Consumer Home Inspection Checklist was created by a professional home inspector for home owners, landlords, and first-time home buyers to help identify common defects and keep a well-maintained home.

DIY Home Checklist.

DIY Inspection Checklist

Ready To Plant

Plant Planting.

So, you have your garden layout and you are ready to select some plants and start planting. Keep it simple when you start out to keep cost down, however, when possible, it is better to plant bigger more mature plants and shrubs to get your landscape garden off to a good start. We like to start plants that are in at least 1 - 2 Gallon size pots. Pick out varieties that will be easy to grow and maintain. Ask your local garden supply for the best plants to grow in your area.

Prepare your garden by tilling the soil, this will make planting much easier. Arrange your plants where you want them before you start planting. Try keeping the larger varieties to the back and smaller ones up front. Once you have decided where everything looks best, it’s time to start planting. Dig your holes twice as wide as the pot is comes in and plant level with the ground or just slightly above.

Note: Water the hole and put in some plant food before you plant. If you are using landscape paper, now is the time to start putting it down. (Dig hole, add plant food, water whole, landscape paper over hole, cut out whole for plant, set your plant, fill with dirt, water again).

After all your plants are in the ground it is time to put down the mulch or decorative stone. We prefer cedar mulch when available, it has a nice smell, cuts down on the weeds, and looks great. Two to three inches of mulch is best to keep the weeds at bay. After the mulch is down it is time to water again. Water your new plantings at least once a day for two weeks to get them well acclimated. After that, once or twice a week will be sufficient. Now, sit back and enjoy the rewards and beauty of your hard work. HAPPY PLANTING!